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About Our Report

At CCI, we consider the current output of the sustainability reports. We have published to date, and of our activities within the framework of our plans and targets for the future and our approach towards sustainability. And so, for the 2020-2021 reporting period we particularly excited and proud of the publication of our first integrated annual report in which we share a holistic assessment of our financial and non-financial performance and our forward-looking strategy. With this report, an integrated thinking approach has been adopted with respect to the way we carry out our activities.
In this report, we share our investments, targets and practices, as well as the performance results we have achieved for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2020 for nine of the ten countries in which we operate (Turkey, Jordan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Iraq). The scope of the 2020 integrated annual report has covered 100% of CCI’s total production volume.


This report was prepared in accordance with GRI Standards: Basic option and the International Integrated Reporting Framework. As recommended in the Integrated Reporting Framework published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the connections between priority issues, business strategy and performance for 2020 have been drawn.

The report also reflects our communications on progress relating to the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP) and United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

The principles of materiality, inclusivity and responsiveness of the AA1000 Assurance Standard have guided the content development process for our report, and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for financial communications. We measure and report on our social, environmental and ethical performance using the CDP, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI), as well as the internationally accepted pioneering principles and frameworks.


As with our Sustainability Reports, published since 2009, selected data
from our first integrated annual report has been independently audited.
GHG emissions generated by CCI Turkey’s production, sale and distribution activities in 2020 have been inspected and verified by a third-party organization to meet ISO 14064-1 requirements as per the ISO 14064-3 2006 Standard. The independent financial audit was carried out according to Independent Audit Standards published by the Capital Market Board and the Independent Audit Standards (IAS), a part of the Turkish Audit Standards published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK). CCI Turkey's operations have successfully passed the audits.

In accordance with Articles 514 and 516 of Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (TCC) and Communique No. II-14.1 “On the Principles Governing Financial Reporting in the Capital Market” (Communique) published by the Capital Market Board (CMB), CCI Group Management is responsible, with respect to the integrated annual report, for preparing and submitting to the general assembly the integrated annual report within three months following the balance sheet date, and for preparing the report in a manner that reflects the group’s flow of operations for that year and its consolidated financial statement in all its aspects, in an accurate, complete, direct, realistic and honest manner. Other responsibilities relating to Ethical Rules and other ethics-related responsibilities under legislation have been carried out by the independent audit company with which we work. The Independent Audit provided an opinion on whether the consolidated financial data included in the annual report within the framework of the provisions of the TCC and the Communique, and the examinations performed by the Board of Directors were consistent with the Group’s audited consolidated financial statements and data obtained during the independent audit, and whether these reflect the truth, after which it issued the integrated report containing these opinions.

In this report, the consolidated financial situation is evaluated according to the consolidated financial statements. The report also expressly points out the group’s development, as well as possible risks. While preparing the report, the Board of Directors also takes secondary legislative regulations made by the Ministry of Trade and the concerned institutions into consideration. The Board’s evaluation relating to these issues is also included in the report.

The independent audit was performed in keeping with the Independent Audit Standards published by the Capital Market Board and the IAS.
These standards require compliance with ethical principles, and that
the independent audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance of the fact that the consolidated financial data in the annual report and

the examinations performed by the Board of Directors are consistent with the consolidated financial statements and data obtained during the audit, and that they reflect the truth.

As described in the Independent Limited Assurance Report under the Sustainability Performance Indicators chapter of this report, independent limited assurance was obtained for our operations in Turkey and Iraq within the scope of the selected data.
As indicated in the CCI Reporting Guide, selected data consists of
total energy data, energy use per product, total water withdrawal and consumption data, and water usage per product for Turkey and Iraq; and, additionally, waste data only for Turkey.

The data for 2020 obtained from CCI’s Turkey and Iraq plants was assessed within the scope of this audit and received Limited Assurance as per Revised ISAE 3000 (International Standard on Assurance Engagements) other than audits or reviews of historical financial information.

*You may find the CCI Reporting Guide in the Annexes of our report.

The Structure Of The Report

In our first integrated annual report, we have considered the value created for all our stakeholders around six elements of capital (financial, produced, intellectual, human, social, and natural). While doing this, it was always our priority to understand and meet our stakeholders’ expectations. “An Overview of CCI”, which is the first chapter of our report consisting of six chapters, contains general information, prominent developments, our interaction with our stakeholders, and our integrated governance approach. In the second chapter entitled “A Glance at the Future” we dwell on our interaction with our stakeholders and our strategic priorities to which we gave form after comprehensive risk assessments, while in the third chapter entitled “Our Value Creation Approach” we summarize our programs and efforts aimed at creating value for our stakeholders.

Under “Corporate Governance” we provide detailed information on members of the board and senior management, as well as additional information on our operations and corporate management, and in the “Financial Evaluation” chapter we share details on our operational and financial performance. Finally, we present complementary technical and quantitative information regarding our operations for interested stakeholders in the last chapter, entitled “Annexes”.


Obtaining feedback from our stakeholders is vital for the continuous development of our practices, performance, and reporting processes. We evaluate all feedback and use it for continuous and sustainable development.

All of our stakeholders are encouraged to share their ideas, suggestions and/ or complaints by sending an email to, calling
the Corporate Relations Department using the +90 216 528 40 00 line, or through the “Reach Us” tab on our website at the address

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